the mindblowing project
Thank you for being here.
If you are here, you may have come across an art gift on the streets. That is for you to keep! yay! The message inside is for you as well. Yay yay! The message is from a stranger you may never meet. What they have written, what they have to say to you even if they don't know you, is a great example of how we all are so kind deep inside. How we'd not be anything else.
This is a social art project in the form of an open exhibition to normalise a perspective to look at each other through stories and the colourful play we all represent individually. It is an attempt at an accessible form of exhibition of emotions and art.
It is about how we have for ages judged each other through the skin colours, the shape of our body and face, the clothes we wear, where we come from.
What if? What if we blow off our heads (metaphorically), the appearance and the preconceived perspective that we have grown with? What if we look at each other through the lens of colours, play and the stories within?
All the msgs have been collected anonymously through the form below.
Please fill in the form below to be a part of the project.
Write a message for someone who is struggling with their self-identity. The messages shall go to a random person in the world to read in a very interactive way and maybe something they need to hear at this point in their lives.
Please use a funny, anonymous name(make them smile).
Your email shall only be used to communicate with you.